Monday, 25 March 2013

Picking a Character

Picking a character, is a very hard decision, as without getting killed, you will stay as the same character throughout your Don't Starve days. Lets have a look at the different advantages of each character.

Wilson portrait Willow portraitWendy portraitWolfgang portraitWX-78 portrait                     Wickerbottom portrait  Wes portrait

Firstly, the starter character - Wilson, Wilson is an all round character, he has no real  disabilities, and basically infinite lives. Any new person will have to pick him, but he is not bad in the later game either

Secondly, the second character, Willow - Willow has the same stats as Wilson, apart she starts fires at night time, this really doesn't help anything, as starting fires can burn down your base, and harm yourself, it's really disastrous, Willow should be avoided.

Thirdly, we have the third character, Wendy - Wendy has the same stats as Wilson, and Willow, but has the perk and disadvantage of having her dead sisters ghost Abigail, come visit her at night time. Abigail can harm you, but is also a very strong protector, as Abigail doesn't always appear, it isn't advised to rely on her for combat. Wendy is an ok character if used in the right ways.

Fourthly, we have the InStiNctWalRus's favourite - Wolfgang, Wolfgang is a tough character, that has twice the belly of other characters twice the health, and 1.5x damage bonus, he is a great character for filling up in winter, he can kill bosses fairly quickly with good equipment, everyone should want to use this character as he has no downsides, its really a pick between him and Wilson, for usability, if you believe you might die from something random, pick Wilson, if you're modest and cautious, Wolfgang is the perfect character.

Fifthly, we have WX-78, he is a robot, that has the same stats as Wilson, but can eat spoiling food, he automatically aggro's Beefalo though, it's up to your pick if you believe spoiling food eating is useful to you.

Sixthly, we have Wickerbottom, Wickerbottom is a character which allows you have to the tiers of research early, so you could theoretically have a reasonable base by day 1. In the later game her ability is useless, if you're not good at researching or finding gold for machines, she could be a good pick.

Lastly (More characters to come), we have Wes, Wes is a pro character, for people wanting a challenge he has lower health and hunger, and does less damage. Its advised that even pro's should use a different character because Wes just makes things take longer.

In total, picking a character is up to the players preference, whether you pick Wes, or Wilson. You'll soon begin to like them, and understand how they play. 

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